Presenting: Intra Lightning

Area Layer
Jul 20, 2023


Self-custody is the ethos of Bitcoiner, especially in the first layer, so also in the second layer, new ways of self-custody began to emerge whether in mobile or web mode.

Following that, we are launching in beta version, Intra Lightning, the non-custodial solution that allows users to run their own node at low cost on any machine.

Launched on testnet, the implementation based on BDK, LDK, Lightning-js and Bitcoin-lib-js with the features:

  • Open and close channel
  • Written in Javascript and Rust
  • Testnet
  • BDK and LDK on Rust
  • Lightning-js and Bitcoin-lib-js on Javascript

Disclaimer: Beta software and WIP

About Area Layer

Area Layer is a startup with a focus on building products and services on Bitcoin and Lightning Network localized in Delaware, Catawba and El Salvador

Website | Twitter | Github

